Ray DeWorth: RD: How long have you been involved in NKY Softball?
Fernbach: A: I have only been playing softball for about 5 years. All of those have been played in NKY so I am still somewhat
new to the game.
RD: Q: You are now the coach of NKY Extreme. Have you had any experience coaching before, and if not
who have you played for in the past?
GF: A: I am the coach of the NKY Extreme I was voted that by some of the players
on the team. I took that position because I feel this team can be a very good if not great team if everything comes together
like I hope it does. This will be my first time coaching a softball team....and the guys on the team know I have a "lets get
the best 10 guys on the field and win" mentality. I have played for Hill & Griffith, BSM, Remax, Exit 62, Damico Taylor
Shop and then a lot of teams have picked me up during the year. That is how I became a part of this team.
RD: Q: General,
is there anything you would change about the game of softball if you could? If so, please explain.
GF: A: I'm not sure
there is anything that I would change about the game of softball right now. If anything they need to make it where you can
bring your family to the park and not worry about what your children are going to hear.
RD: Q: In your personal opinion,
what are some of the good things and some of the not so good things in todays game?
GF: A: I think the competition
in today's game is great. That is the thing I enjoy the most about the game today. The not so good thing is the fact that
some of the guys playing seem to blow up at the littlest things.... These guys yell at the umpires, they yell at their own
team and seem to just have a bad attitude before the game even starts. If we could keep those guys out of the game it would
make everything more smooth.
RD: Q: The Miken Ultra 2 has been rumoured to be banned. But as we all know there will
be another bat that will come along that will rival the Ultra 2. What is your opinion of a bat with these capabilities? Are
you for it or against it?
GF: A: I purchased one the the Ultra 2's. Am I happy that the bat got banned by USSSA? No.
There is already another bat out called the Easton Synergy that is the rival to the Ultra 2. Some how this bat has remained
legal...but the question is for how long? I don't have much of a problem with these bats. What they seem to do though is make
the average "dirt spot" hitter into a home run hitter. I think that changes the game because it went from 7-8 base hit hitters
on a team to 9-10 home run hitters on the same team. Everyone knows that to be competitive in "D" you need those 7-8 base
hit hitters and the 2-3 home run hitters because you can only hit homeruns in leagues and certain tourneys. So all in all
I am for the bats as long as your players know their role and what is asked of them on the team.
RD: Q: What are your
expectations this year for NKY Extreme?
GF: A: My expectations for NKY Extreme this year is to win some tourneys and
make it to state. I believe this team has the talent and the composure to make it to state. I think its going to be rough
at first being this is my first time coaching and our first time playing together. We are playing in the Bash and that will
be a good measuring stick for this team.
RD: Q: Rumor has it that Jimmy Gentry was supposed to be a member of your
team. In recent days it has come to the forefront that he is no longer a member of your team. Those who I have talked to seem
to think this has come as an injustice to you and your team. What happened and what are your thoughts?
GF: A: I had
spoken to Jimmy about playing with us and he told me that he was interested in playing with our team. He played in a Snowball
tourney down at Township earlier this year. I had spoken to him after the tourney and he did not seem as excited to play as
he was before the Snowball. I told Jimmy that if he didn't want to play on our team then there would be no hard feelings and
all I asked was for a call. I have not gotten that from him so I'm not sure what is going on with him. Yes that is an injustice
to our team. Jimmy would have been a good addition to our team...but him not being on the team will not change our team that
much...we are still going to be a good team. From what I hear Jimmy spoke with Mark Ashcraft at the end of last year and Mark
asked him to play with them and Jimmy told them he would play. Then Jimmy heard nothing from Mark. So Jimmy started looking
for a team. I played with Jimmy last year so I knew him and called him about playing with our team. He said he wants to but
could only play around his racing schedule. If Jimmy really wants to play with Mark I wish Jimmy and Southern all the luck
in the world. Like I said earlier I have no hard feelings for Jimmy because I know how offers go with other teams.
Q: If Jimmy is gone, have you replaced someone of his abilities yet. Or are you still looking?
GF: A: If Jimmy is gone
the hardest thing to replace about him will be his leadership and his experience. Those are the biggest things that Jimmy
brought to our team. We already have some great hitters on our team and some guys that can play great defense. I really do
not feel we need to replace Jimmy...he was just a good addition on to an already good team.
RD: Q: Here is a fill
in the blank question. The biggest misconception about General Fernbach is __________________________?
GF: A: That
is a good question.... I don't think anyone in Softball in NKY knows anything about me so they have no misconceptions about
me. I am more of a quiet guy that just sits back and observes everything that is going on.
RD: Q: Without using any
players off of your team, if you were a brand new team and every player in the league was available to you. Who would you
GF: A: WOW..... Now you are going to get me in trouble with my own team... HA HA I'm assuming we are talking
"D" players here... 1st base-Jimmy Gentry, 2nd Base- Doug Woltenberg, 3rd Base- River Bandits 3rd baseman (sorry don't remember
his name), C- Chris Fogt, P- John Tomlinson, 4 outfielders- Eric Mershman, Chris Milay, Matt Magee and sorry but I have to
take one of my own guys....Tony Bauereis. Shortstop- Brian Powers and last but not least AH Craig Purvis
RD: Q: Which
team would you say would be NKY Extremes biggest rival?
GF: A: Believe it or not my favorite park to play at would
have to be Rivershore. The reason for that is its close to my house and it's the first "Softball park" I had ever played in
before. Although I did enjoy a tourney I played in up at Express way.
RD: Q: Of all of the parks in the area where
would you least like to play and why?
GF: A: The park I like the least in the area would have to be Riverstar. They
just never seemed to take good care of the fields. I now hope since they are under new management this will all change.
Q: Are there any new players that are with NKY Extreme this year. If so who?
GF: A: Yes we do have some new players
this year. Dave Heinen (Played some last year but left due to personal reasons), Daryl Demoss (Played a lot of pick up games
around NKY, Mike O'Day (Played for Special K's last year), General Fernbach (I started playing at the end of the year and
decided to commit to play this year along with coach), Jeff Witt (Played on Hill & Griffith along with other teams, and
possibly another new guy to be named later...HA HA
RD: Q: Are you set with players or are you still looking for a few
good men?
GF: A: I would not say we are set with players. Do we have enough guys to compete...yes. I would like to
find one more strong outfielder to solidify that position. My stance on this is the best 10 players are going to be on the
field. If we have someone better than another person the better player is going to play. That is the only way we are going
to improve.
RD: Q: What is your most remembered moment for your team in 2002?
GF: A: I was not with this team
all of last year so I could not tell you what that is... I just hope for plenty of them in 2003.
RD: Q: What is your
most unrememberable moment in 2002?
GF: A: Again since I was not with the team I do not know what that would be. I
do know they had a lot of arguing between players and that is something I will not put up with this year. So lets hope for
none of those for 2002.
RD: Q: If you had to describe your team using an adjective. What would it be?
GF: A:
RD: Q: What are some of your team strengths and weaknesses?
GF: A: Our biggest strength is going
to be our "Never give up" attitude along with some timely hitting. Our biggest weakness is going to be the fact that we have
not played together as a complete team yet so we are not "gelling" right now... That could be the thing that hurts us the
most at the beginning of the season.